Zirconium Crowns

Zirconium dental veneer is the highest quality product that has been reached to date in the field of aesthetics, tissue compatibility, durability and naturalness, which are the basic requirements of dentistry.

Zirconium infrastructure is a white metal found in nature and extracted like 'granites' in an easier to understand form. Therefore, its infrastructure is white in color, as a difference from metal-supported or metal-based porcelain, which is still widely used today.porcelainsobtained. In addition, it is much more resistant to compression and tensile forces than normal metal, making it an excellent alternative especially for the oral environment where both horizontal and vertical forces are applied a lot, such as biting and crushing.

We prefer zirconium-based porcelains because they are aesthetic enough to be used on anterior teeth and because they are strong enough to be used on posterior teeth. Treatments with zirconium increase the quality of life of people.

In which dental disorders is zirconium treatment used?

+ Hereditary structure discoloration in advanced (antibiotic, fluorine, etc.) colorations that do not yield results with methods such as bleaching,

+ In people who have previously had their teeth cut,+ Joining split teeth (diastema closure),+ In people with a metal-supported bridge-crown (veneer) in their mouth,

+ In the correction of broken teeth,+ In the correction of old tooth fillings that have discolored and structured,

+ Correction of crooked and crooked teeth (as an alternative to orthodontic treatment),

+ Zirconium treatment can be applied in teeth with excessive material loss that cannot be filled.

What are the advantages of zirconium dental veneer over conventional tooth veneer?

+ Hot cold sensitivity does not develop with its insulating feature.

+ Hot cold sensitivity does not develop with its insulating feature.

+ With its light-permeable structure, zirconium is very similar to the natural tooth structure and creates aesthetics in the mouth. Even metal-supported porcelains that are very well made have a dullness and artificiality. For this reason, zirconium treatment can be preferred especially in anterior teeth.

+ Metal-supported porcelain crown-bridge (veneers) are mechanically bonded to the tooth. Zirconium is attached to the tooth mechanically and chemically. Therefore, its durability is much higher than metal supports.

+ Metal-supported porcelains give the appearance of a dark cavity in some lights, as if it were not in the mouth. In zirconium, they pass all kinds of light close to the same natural tooth.

+ Since there is no metal in its substructure, there is no dark line at the crown-gingival level. Thus, a more aesthetic appearance is provided.

+ Since porcelain surfaces will be extremely smooth, it minimizes tooth staining and tartar formation caused by smoking and similar reasons.

+ Teeth do not change color due to external factors such as coffee, tea and cigarettes.

+ Zirconium is a healthy material that does not cause taste disorders, gum problems and bad breath.

+ The pressure and bruises that occur on the gums due to the metal-supported porcelain crowns made previously are completely eliminated by the application of zirconium (veneers) crowns, and an aesthetic and natural appearance is obtained.

+ When the gingiva recedes, zirconium preserves its aesthetic appearance, while metal-supported porcelain creates a bad appearance in the area where it joins the tooth.

+ There is no risk of allergy against some metals (nickel, etc.) used in the infrastructure in porcelains with zirconium substructure.

+ Because it is perfectly compatible with our body, it can be used easily in people who have gum disease or who are prone to gum disease.

+ Zirconium has a very good compatibility with the gingiva and does not cause gingival problems if oral hygiene is given importance.

How is a zirconium tooth prepared?

The preparation of zirconium teeth is the same as with classical metal-supported porcelain, but the difference begins in laboratory procedures. Zirconiums can be made with devices with computer technology. In this method, the measurements taken from the patient's mouth are scanned on optical readers in the computer environment. It is cut and shaped by computer from zirconium sheets by means of milling systems without human touch.

The data obtained with the help of the camera is uploaded to the computer. Then designs (CAD) are made and production (CAM) is started.

With these developed technologies, zirconium is successfully used in single-tooth crown restorations, 3-6 member bridges, and crown-bridge works on implants.

The success of the material has been proven in medicine and industry. As a result of the researches started in 1998, clinical applications have been started all over the world since the beginning of 2002. With this new application, the aesthetic concerns of the patient in metal-ceramic restorations are definitely eliminated.

How is zirconium dental veneer applied?

While the zirconium dental crown is being made, the three-dimensional structure of the teeth is transferred to the computers with scanners after the teeth are cut. This scanning process is of two types. In the first process, as soon as the teeth are cut, the image is transferred to the digital environment with the help of intraoral scanners and camera, without putting any impression material in the patient's mouth, and after this process, the planning is completely prepared in the computer environment. Then the data is sent to the cad cam system. Here, zirconia blocks are turned into the infrastructure of porcelain teeth with the help of rotary systems. In the other method, the measurement is taken from the mouth after the patient's teeth are cut. After the measurement is taken, the measurements that go to the laboratory are poured with special plaster systems and the original measurement is obtained. Then, these measurements are scanned with special tools similar to scanners in computers and transferred to the digital media, that is, to the computer.

The substructures are rehearsed and sent to the laboratory for the processing of the superstructure, namely the porcelain. The zirconium porcelain tooth is now ready.

What should be considered when applying dental veneer?

The shapes of the coatings made on the mouth must be compatible with the face shape. Contours should be adjusted considering oval, square, rectangular face shapes. Another important issue is the camber of the face. In coatings to be prepared for an outwardly convex face, this should be compatible with the convexity. The age of the patient is closely related to the make-up lines on the teeth and the shape of the tips of the teeth.

Another important issue is the gender of the patient. While softer and rounder lines are used in women, angular sharp-edged teeth are more suitable for men.

Skin color and eye color are also issues to be considered. In order for the teeth to give the appearance of the patient, all elements should be carefully balanced and the tooth should be prepared. Final arrangements are made in the rehearsal, taking into account the patient's views.

In the final rehearsal, the patient should be asked whether there is a problem with the shape, color and size of the teeth. The teeth that come from the laboratory in their final shape are carefully examined by the dentist. After the dentist makes sure that the thickness in the collar parts, the interfaces and the gingival papillae areas are well opened, the prepared veneer is attached to the mouth.

It is very important at this stage called cementation.

The drugs used when bonding zirconium or porcelain teeth are drugs that run under the gums and freeze. The drug under the gum must be completely cleaned. Another important issue during cementation is the exact fit of the teeth. Generally, when the cement hardens, the coating cannot be fully seated and may remain slightly elevated. In such a case, if necessary, the luting cement should be removed and re-glued before it hardens completely.

The patient, who is told not to chew anything for at least half an hour, is ready to pose with his new teeth.

Why Do We Recommend Zirconium Treatment?

Because zirconium is tissue friendly. This allows us to predict the patient for many years about the duration of the porcelain made in the mouth and the comfort of use. This is one of the most important reasons.

They are porcelains with high strength and fracture resistance, extremely sufficient and extremely durable. As a result of measurements and tests, user groups and many processes, zirconium has proven its durability at a very serious rate.

It is one of the closest porcelains to a completely natural appearance. Due to the absence of metal reflection underneath, there is no grayish-matt appearance.

Thermal insulation is strong. For this reason, it provides comfort to patients as it sends less heat to the teeth compared to the metal-based porcelains we use. Our patients can choose cold-hot food and drink with peace of mind without encountering any problems.

It is not allergic. To date, very rare cases of allergic reactions have been encountered.

Due to its light transmittance, it appears glassy and provides a much better aesthetic appearance to the patient.
Because of this and similar reasons, zirconium is a successful porcelain tooth variety that is comfortable to use and preferred aesthetically and is close to perfection.

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